The real winner in the debate last night, and the real losers. And a fat newscaster broad on Youtube.

The real winner in last night’s Presidential debate was clearly Mitt Romney’s hair.

I mean, that’s a rock solid hair do. Al Quada couldn’t penetrate that sh!t with a shoe bomb. Look at it, it’s the Pentagon of hair do’s.

The real losers were all the jackasses on Facebook and Twitter crying. The best of which were the ones crying that Obama was trying to play it “cool,” as if the debate were set in a scene from the musical, Grease. Like this a$$hole.

Here is some more.

Way to go, Internet, The Charlie Daniels band somehow can be relevant again. Are you f#$king kidding me with this? So do people on the Internet care what The Charlie Daniels Band thinks about the debate?

Thanks Huffington Post, because that wasn’t clear as a f$%king bell. Hey, you should do a tweet over fat people liking dunkin’ donuts, like really carve out some in-depth clarity for the world.

One of the big debate topics last night was health care. If you want to know the state of American health care, listen to this fat newscaster lady sing about how mean a guy was who emailed her to politely lose weight and serve as a better community influence. She literally sh!t out her toll house cookies over this. Somehow being fat and being gay are like the same deal. I would love to know where The Charlie Daniels Band stands on this video.


