Amazing Grocery Store Brawl Over Cold Cuts (video)

I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying I get it.

What Would El Chapo Do If He Were In Charge?

Ever wonder what our country would be like if El Chapo were in charge of shit? Wonder no more, has you covered. I can tell you this already, a lot of bullshit would...

Crazy Telemarketer Recorded, Accuses Of “Mind Control”

This telemarketer, who is creepy as fuck, accuses this lady of lying to him when she tells him that she "recorded him." Wait till he finds out........ .

10 Pictures Prove Charlotte McKinney Is Disgusting

Charlotte McKinney is Instafamous. Many bros consider her vagina to be top level shit, sort of like when you are deciding on Italian food: Fazolis = Regular Shit while Olive Garden = Top Level...

Classy Florida Stripper Gets Butthole Tattoo.

A classy Florida stripper has done gone and done the most sophisticated thing possible by getting a tattoo on her asshole. That's right, "Mercedes," which some are assuming isn't her real given name, gave the...

3 Reasons Why The Ariana Grande Donut Story Is Fucking Stupid

Yesterday, Ariana Grande shamed America for being fatĀ (probably). Mostly because, well, Americans are fat as hell. That's not me making shit up, folks, that's just stats and science and decent eyesight and being able...

Amy Schumer Bows Down To PC Rags. RIP Amy, You Will Be Missed.

And we will most certainly miss you. This week news broke that Amy Schumer, who's occupation is a comedian, told a joke early on in her career when she was a comedian trying to be...

Melissa McCarthy Uses “Fat Shaming” To Sell Her Own Shit. How Dumb is Everyone?

Melissa McCarthy is funny (sometimes). But she's also become incredibly stupid and annoying. Case and point, her latest bullshit rant over "fat shaming." I know, I sound like a cold heartless villain, but the...

Rachel Dolezal. A True American Black Hero. Give Her The ESPY Courage Award.

Caitlyn Jenner will win the Arthur Ashe ESPY Award for Courage this year, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't make a case for Rachel Dolezal, the head of the Spokane NAACP. Born white, Rachel...

This Walmart Brawl Between Women in Scooters Is The Best Thing Ever.

It's like I died and went to white trash video heaven. It takes a minute, but consider the rolling woman in her electric scooter, which is reserved for HANDICAP people, a tight introduction to...

Writers, Interns, Stop Fucking Working For Free. (and the stupidest job post ever)

This article points out writers, but really, it goes for most of the scammy ass "Internships that have cropped up all over the web in a bad economy. No one should work for free,...

Mashable’s Insane Coverage Of Bruce Jenner Yesterday (this is ridiculous).

Mashable, RIP, you folks were good while you lasted. But now you are dead. Moments after Bruce Jenner had his penis turned into vagina, your site officially went from tech blog to entertainment slop....

Don’t Care About Caitlyn Bruce Jenner Kardashian? You are a Bigot.

Welcome to the new pussy society where if you don't care about a Kardashian dicing up "her" dick, you are a bigot. "She" has arrived, in case you are currently busy living in a cave...

Shaq Says He Can Last 45 Seconds With Rhonda Rousey

Well played, Shaq, well played.